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Bluewater case study

How to eliminate single-use plastic bottles from major events

In a world increasingly concerned with environmental sustainability, the issue of single-use plastics has gained prominence. Bluewater’s innovative approach to addressing this problem is by providing clean, purified and safe drinking water at major events, eliminating the need for disposable plastic bottles. 

Bluewaters challenge

Raise awareness among event organizers about the environmental impact of plastic waste and the multiple benefits of adopting a more sustainable approach.

Approach + implementation

The first stage involved A plus M creating comprehensive communication materials to support Bluewaters sales team when approaching event organizers. These materials
highlighted the benefits of Bluewater’s solution, emphasizing the reduction of single-use plastics and the positive environmental impact. 

In the second stage, after an event committed to using Bluewater’s solution, A plus M
provided branded materials that explained the rationale behind the sustainable water solution. This approach included customization of water stations and reusable
bottles using the event’s branding or sponsor’s branding.


Bluewater’s approach yielded notable results. By offering a viable alternative to single-use plastic bottles, the company successfully garnered the participation of several large events on a global scale. 

These events embraced the sustainable water solution, contributing to a reduction in plastic waste and promoting environmental consciousness among attendees. The
positive response from both event organizers and participants demonstrated the
effectiveness of Bluewater’s strategy in driving meaningful change.


In conclusion, the partnership between Bluewater and A plus M, coupled with the
successful adoption of a sustainable water solution by prominent event organizers,
olds the key to a brighter, plastic-free future for events worldwide. 

The pivotal role of these early adopters cannot be overstated – by showcasing the
feasibility and impact of this approach, they create a roadmap for the industry at large. 

As the success stories propagate, the momentum to eliminate single-use plastic bottles gains traction, fostering a collective commitment to environmentally conscious practices. Through collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast dedication to sustainability, the dream of ridding the world of single-use plastic bottles at events becomes an achievable reality, transforming events into showcases of responsible consumption and global stewardship.

Key competencies used in this project


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